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  • 07 Feb 2024 11:43 AM | Anonymous

    The changing landscape of the business world necessitates leadership that is transformative within organizations. To remain effective and competitive, it's critical for organizations to develop a culture focused on public participation (P2) and engagement. This move towards prioritizing engagement is not only about aligning with the expectations of today's workforce; it's about fostering an environment that promotes innovation, enhances teamwork, and prepares the organization for future challenges.

    Understanding Public Participation and Engagement Culture

    Public participation, or P2, is a key aspect of organizational culture that encourages involvement from all stakeholders, including employees, in the decision-making process. An engagement culture emphasizes the integration of every team member into the organization's strategic planning and daily activities. The core of this culture is creating an atmosphere characterized by openness, transparent communication, and mutual respect. This approach moves beyond the traditional top-down hierarchy, valuing everyone's contributions and creating a sense of belonging. This not only boosts motivation but also enhances commitment among employees, laying a foundation for increased productivity and paving the way for innovation and growth.

    The Role of Transformational Leadership in Organizations

    Transformational leaders play a crucial role in steering organizations toward a culture of P2 and engagement. They inspire and motivate team members to exceed their potential and align with the organization's objectives. By fostering a shared vision, these leaders help build a culture where each member feels valued and integral to the organization. Their leadership is instrumental in motivating the team, elevating organizational performance, and leading the cultural shift toward an engagement-focused environment.

    Transformational leaders encourage open participation in decision-making and value employee contributions, which enhances the engagement culture. They promote a sense of ownership and commitment, making every team member's voice important. This leadership style is key to creating an inclusive, participatory, and engaging organizational culture, essential for successful transformation.

    Boosting Employee Morale and Job Satisfaction

    Adopting a culture of P2 and engagement significantly impacts employee morale and job satisfaction. Recognizing employees as vital to the organization and valuing their input boosts their sense of worth and satisfaction. Active participation in decision-making fosters ownership over their work, increasing motivation and morale. Furthermore, acknowledging employee contributions creates a supportive environment, enhancing their commitment and job satisfaction, which in turn drives higher productivity.

    Enhancing Creativity and Innovation

    Moving towards an engagement-focused culture is crucial for sparking creativity and innovation within organizations. When employees feel valued and included, they're more likely to contribute unique ideas and solutions. This culture encourages experimentation, learning from failures, and ultimately, innovation, by valuing every team member's input. Organizations that prioritize P2 and engagement often see a surge in inventive ideas, enhancing their competitive edge.

    Fostering Teamwork and Collaboration

    Cultivating a culture of P2 and engagement not only highlights individual contributions but also enhances teamwork and collaboration. In such an environment, where everyone's voice is heard and contributions are recognized, a strong sense of unity and cooperation is established. This fosters open exchange of ideas and knowledge, improving efficiency and productivity. It encourages constructive feedback and collaborative problem-solving, leading to innovative solutions and breaking down hierarchical barriers. The resultant teamwork and collaboration drive the organization towards achieving its strategic objectives.

    Building Resilient Organizations for the Future

    For companies to lead in their industries, resilience and adaptability are key. By fostering a culture of P2 and engagement, organizations develop a dynamic and flexible workforce. Engaged employees are more receptive to change, contributing to the company's evolution with innovative ideas and active problem-solving. This culture encourages creative thinking and challenging the status quo, enhancing the organization's resilience. Embracing change prepares companies to face future challenges and seize new opportunities, building a strong foundation for long-term success.

    Explore IAP2 Canada's comprehensive Learning Pathway, which includes the IAP2 Global Learning Pathway, along with various other training options to help you excel in public participation and engagement. Our Learning Pathway is your gateway to acquiring the knowledge and skills you need to create meaningful change.

    Our next “Transforming P2 & Engagement Culture” course, one of our new electives on the learning pathway is, scheduled for February 13-14, 2024.

  • 18 Jan 2024 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    The last quarter of 2023 was a bustling period for the IAP2 Canada team. We accomplished various key milestones that furthered our mission of enhancing public participation practices across the country and globally. In this update, we will provide an overview of the important work accomplished by the IAP2 Canada team during this period.

    Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training

    One of the standout achievements in Q4 2023 was the successful completion of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) training for both staff and volunteer leadership. This training reaffirmed IAP2 Canada's commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the organization, fostering a more inclusive environment.

    Building on our commitment to EDI, the board and staff met with the consultant that undertook an EDI audit and who also completed some benchmarking for IAP2 Canada to review the results of that work. This process allowed us to identify areas for improvement and ensure we better align with best practices in promoting equity, diversity and inclusion. An action plan was drafted and is with the board for review.

    Indigenous Awareness Learning Program

    The summer 2023 cohort of the Indigenous Awareness Learning Program wrapped in Q4. Special thanks to Anne Harding for her tireless efforts in leading this program for IAP2 Canada and to all the Learning Partners for dedicating their time and giving of their knowledge and experience to participants of the program.

    The team worked diligently to recruit participants for the January 2024 cohort of the Indigenous Awareness Learning Program. Impressive registration numbers demonstrated strong interest and engagement in this vital initiative.

    Learn more about the program

    Framework for Supporting Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

    Earlier in 2023, we engaged a consultant to review the draft Framework for Supporting Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. The review process was completed successfully, and valuable feedback was shared with the Working Group. The final draft of the IAP2 Canada Framework for Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples was accepted by the board in November, marking a step forward in our reconciliation efforts.

    Learn more about our path toward reconciliation

    Digital Discovery Series 2024

    Planning for the Digital Discovery Series 2024 was executed at the end of 2023, with the series officially launching in January 2024 and delivery starting in February 2024. Led by Susanna Haas Lyons, this initiative showcases IAP2 Canada's commitment to staying at the forefront of digital advancements in public participation.

    Learn more about the Digital Discovery series

    French Language Initiatives

    In an effort to expand our reach and better support our francophone members, IAP2 Canada launched French-language training from our Global Learning Pathway including the Certificate in Public Participation (P2). Fundamentals in P2 and Engagement - Principes fondamentaux de la participation publique - was the first course delivered in November. These efforts aim to make public participation knowledge more accessible to French-speaking communities.

    Explore our learning pathway

    Enhancing Accessibility: Website Translation Progress

    The IAP2 Canada team is actively translating our website into French to broaden accessibility for our francophone communities. This project, targeted for early Q1, 2024, will enable easier access to essential resources and information related to public participation, reinforcing our position as a leader in advocating for effective engagement practices in Canada. It also aligns with IAP2 Canada's broader mission of fostering inclusion and collaboration among diverse groups.

    Mentorship Program

    The team also successfully launched the 2024 IAP2 Canada Mentorship Program and completed pairings. This program, which kicks off in January 2024, offers valuable guidance and support to emerging professionals in the field of public participation.

    Learn more about the value of mentorship

    Technology Challenges and Solutions

    Our team demonstrated transparency by sharing a comprehensive document with the board outlining the organization's technology challenges and proposed solutions. We are actively researching various digital tools to enhance communication and interaction with our P2 community.

    Webinar Program Relaunch

    The team has been working toward the re-launch of the webinar program in early 2024, co-hosted by IAP2 Canada and IAP2 USA. These webinars serve as valuable resources for those interested in public participation practices.

    Learn more about the transformative power of webinars

    IAP2 NAC 2024 Location Announced

    In late December, we announced Ottawa as the host city for the 2024 IAP2 North American Conference! As Canada's vibrant capital, Ottawa is a hub of rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty. This announcement marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards an enriching conference experience in one of Canada's most iconic cities. Join us as we prepare to converge in a location renowned for its warm hospitality and an array of engaging attractions.

    Learn more about the 2024 IAP2 NAC

    The IAP2 Canada team had a highly productive last quarter of 2023, making significant strides in our pursuit of promoting equity, inclusivity, and excellence in public participation practices. With our commitment to learning, innovation, and inclusion, IAP2 Canada continues to be a leading force in advancing the field of public participation across the nation.

    We look forward to our continued growth and success in 2024!

  • 16 Jan 2024 10:28 AM | Anonymous

    In recent years, IAP2 Canada brought together Indigenous and non-Indigenous P2 and engagement professionals to reflect on its past, present, and future commitment to Truth, reconciliation and Indigenous inclusion. The strategic path that emerged from the task force is grounded in both historical awareness and contemporary action and signals a shift for the organization, highlighting its dedication to facilitating meaningful change within public participation and self-determination principles.

    The Urgency of Truth and Reconciliation

    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Calls to Justice have underscored the critical need to address the long-standing and ongoing injustices faced by Indigenous peoples. The impact of colonization on Indigenous communities is profound and undeniable. As professionals in public participation, there lies a responsibility to not only acknowledge this stark reality but to actively engage in dismantling colonial structures, amplifying Indigenous voices, and supporting self-determination. The TRC's calls to action provide a roadmap for IAP2 Canada's commitment to goals LEARN, DO, SAY and SUPPORT.

    The Evolution of IAP2 Canada's Commitment

    Beginning in 2015, with recommendations from the Indigenous Inclusion Sub-Committee, IAP2 Canada's journey to advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples has been both reflective and proactive. Beginning with an acknowledgment of the historical impacts of colonization, the organization will begin a journey of internal reflection, examining its practices and policies to foster more inclusive decision-making processes that promote Indigenous perspectives.

    Educational Initiatives and Partnerships

    A key component of IAP2 Canada's approach is education. The organization has actively provided training and resources to members, staff, and the public, enhancing understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, and perspectives. This has involved collaborations with Indigenous organizations and knowledge holders, ensuring respectful and comprehensive content delivery.

    Key Educational Programs:

    1. Learning Program for Indigenous Awareness: Developed with the late Elder Lloyd Ewenin, this program is a semi-structured, cohort-based initiative aimed at increasing engagement professionals’ comfort and capability to take action to advance reconciliation, both personally and professionally.
    2. Training Courses: These include 'Indigenous Awareness for Engagement Professionals', 'Engagement Methods for Indigenous Cultural Contexts', and 'Indigenous Inclusion: Putting the TRC Calls into Action'.
    3. Indigenous Engagement Community of Practice (CoP): Launched in 2016, the CoP facilitates discussions and strategies on Indigenous inclusion and has featured speakers from diverse Indigenous backgrounds.

    Ongoing Self-Assessment and Action

    IAP2 Canada's contribution and commitment is to:

    • Reflect on the history, work, and processes of our organization that have supported and created systemic exclusion and harms of Indigenous peoples within the profession and practice of P2 and engagement;
    • Create and maintain space for Indigenous peoples in public participation including IAP2 Canada's ecosystem;
    • Increase awareness of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (Indigenous) cultures and values through intercultural competency professional development programs;
    • Encourage practitioners to build respectful and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities to create trust; and
    • Participate in the truth and reconciliation journey through learning, awareness, and partnerships with Indigenous organizations.

    The organization is also exploring strategies to build an inclusive membership and partnerships that support reconciliation.

    The Road Ahead

    As IAP2 Canada continues its journey, it remains steadfast in its commitment to reflecting, learning, evolving, and challenging itself to do better. The path toward reconciliation is recognized as an ongoing process, requiring a consistent commitment to amplifying Indigenous voices, dismantling colonial structures, and promoting a more inclusive, equitable future.

    IAP2 Canada's strategic journey toward reconciliation and Indigenous inclusion is an example of an organization's dedication to meaningful change. By integrating internal reflection, education, and action into their operations, they set a precedent for others in the field of public participation and beyond. The journey is ongoing, and the determination to make a lasting impact is clear – a testament to the power of commitment and the potential for transformative change.

    Learn more about IAP2 Canada’s Framework for Supporting Reconciliation here.

  • 15 Jan 2024 4:42 PM | Anonymous

    Le bénévolat est souvent considéré comme un acte désintéressé, une contribution à la communauté ou aux moins fortunés. Mais avez-vous déjà envisagé les avantages du bénévolat d'un point de vue personnel et professionnel ? La vérité est que le bénévolat peut être un avantage à double tranchant. Il contribue non seulement à la société, mais aussi à l'épanouissement personnel et à l'évolution de la carrière.

    Les avantages personnels du bénévolat

    Entrer dans le monde du bénévolat peut être un voyage transformateur de découverte de soi et d'épanouissement. C'est votre passeport pour des territoires inexplorés qui peuvent repousser vos limites, vous permettant de relever de nouveaux défis et d'absorber de riches expériences. Cette évolution personnelle est souvent catalysée par la diversité des personnes que vous rencontrez au cours de votre expérience de volontariat. Leurs différents parcours et perspectives peuvent enrichir votre intelligence émotionnelle, alors que vous naviguez dans la complexité fascinante des relations humaines.

    L'impact du volontariat ne se limite pas à l'épanouissement émotionnel et cognitif. C'est un tonique pour le bien-être, qui offre de généreuses portions de bienfaits pour la santé physique. On a constaté que les bénévoles réguliers bénéficient d'une réduction du stress, d'une amélioration de l'humeur et d'un renforcement général de la santé mentale. En outre, le bénévolat peut vous amener à vous sentir utile, contribuant ainsi à une vie enrichie, pleine de gratification et d'épanouissement. La beauté du bénévolat réside dans cette réciprocité - tandis que vous contribuez à la vie de la société, vous vous sentez plus à l'aise.

    Le volontariat, un moyen de découvrir de nouveaux centres d'intérêt et de nouvelles passions

    Se lancer dans le volontariat, c'est un peu comme ouvrir un coffre au trésor rempli d'expériences variées qui sortent du cadre de la routine quotidienne. C'est l'occasion rêvée de se plonger dans des domaines que vous n'auriez jamais eu l'idée d'explorer. Supposons que vous ayez été fasciné par la grandeur de l'art, mais que vous n'ayez jamais eu l'occasion de vous y plonger. Dans ce cas, le bénévolat dans un musée d'art local ou dans le cadre d'un projet artistique communautaire peut vous aider à acquérir une connaissance approfondie de ce domaine. Par ailleurs, si vous avez un intérêt naissant pour la conservation de l'environnement, participer à une opération de nettoyage ou à une campagne de sensibilisation pourrait être un moyen gratifiant d'assouvir cette passion. L'intérêt du volontariat est qu'il vous permet de plonger dans des eaux différentes, ce qui élargit vos horizons et vous fait découvrir de nouveaux centres d'intérêt et de nouvelles passions. N'oubliez pas que chaque pas que vous faites dans le paysage du volontariat peut ouvrir la voie à des possibilités passionnantes et à la découverte de soi.

    Le bénévolat au service de la carrière : Construire un réseau professionnel solide

    Dans le labyrinthe du monde professionnel, les relations ouvrent souvent des portes sur des possibilités que le talent pur ou les compétences ne peuvent pas offrir. C'est là que le bénévolat entre en jeu, en servant de canal exceptionnel pour la construction d'un réseau professionnel solide. En tant que bénévole, vous vous retrouvez dans un creuset d'individus divers, chacun porteur d'une richesse de connaissances, d'expériences et de points de vue professionnels. La beauté du bénévolat réside dans les relations organiques qui se développent au cours du processus. Ces relations peuvent être nouées avec d'autres bénévoles, des dirigeants d'organisations ou des personnes influentes au sein de la communauté, qui peuvent tous devenir de précieux contacts professionnels. Le bénévolat peut également conduire à des rencontres fortuites avec des mentors potentiels qui peuvent fournir des conseils, servir de références ou même présenter des opportunités d'emploi. Ainsi, lorsque vous retroussez vos manches et vous lancez dans le bénévolat, n'oubliez pas qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement de servir la communauté, mais aussi d'entretenir un réseau susceptible d'alimenter votre trajectoire professionnelle.

    Améliorer ses compétences professionnelles grâce au bénévolat

    Plonger dans le domaine du bénévolat offre une formidable occasion d'affiner les compétences existantes et d'en cultiver de nouvelles. Imaginez-vous dans un rôle qui vous permet de diriger une équipe de bénévoles divers ou de gérer un projet du début à la fin. Ces expériences peuvent vous permettre d'acquérir des compétences essentielles en matière de leadership et une expérience pratique de la gestion de projets qui peuvent s'avérer inestimables dans votre parcours professionnel. Le volontariat devient également un terrain de jeu où vous pouvez apprendre à vous attaquer à des problèmes concrets, ce qui vous incite à trouver des solutions créatives et efficaces. Ces capacités de résolution de problèmes peuvent être un atout dans n'importe quel scénario professionnel. En outre, le volontariat vous permet de côtoyer des personnes de tous horizons. Cela vous inculque de solides compétences en matière de communication et de travail d'équipe, car vous apprenez à gérer efficacement ces diverses relations. Ce sont ces mêmes compétences qui deviennent souvent votre arsenal dans le monde de l'entreprise, faisant de vous un candidat très recherché. Par essence, le bénévolat est bien plus qu'un acte de service ; c'est une étape vers l'amélioration des compétences professionnelles et l'épanouissement personnel. Ainsi, en consacrant votre temps et vos efforts au bénévolat, vous créez subtilement un ensemble de compétences convaincantes qui peuvent propulser votre carrière vers l'avant.

    Le point de vue de l'employeur : Pourquoi ils apprécient les bénévoles

    Dans le marché animé de l'acquisition de talents, l'expérience bénévole brille souvent comme un phare, attirant les employeurs vers les candidats potentiels. Pourquoi ? Parce que les employeurs reconnaissent la myriade de qualités qu'incarnent les bénévoles. Souvent motivés, dévoués et capables de s'adapter, les bénévoles font preuve d'un dynamisme qui fait d'eux des éléments précieux pour toute équipe.

    Le simple fait de se porter volontaire met en évidence l'esprit d'initiative d'une personne, montrant qu'elle est prête à investir son temps et ses efforts dans des activités qui vont au-delà de son intérêt personnel. Cette attitude reflète un niveau de dévouement que les employeurs apprécient. L'expérience du bénévolat peut également indiquer qu'un candidat est adaptable et à l'aise pour travailler dans des environnements divers, une caractéristique cruciale dans le contexte actuel de mondialisation de la main-d'œuvre.

    Les employeurs reconnaissent également que l'expérience bénévole se traduit souvent par des compétences professionnelles bien développées. Qu'il s'agisse de leadership, de gestion de projet ou de communication efficace, ces compétences, acquises sur le terrain du volontariat, constituent un argument convaincant en faveur du candidat.

    Trouver un équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée grâce au bénévolat

    Le bénévolat peut servir d'antidote aux pressions d'une vie professionnelle trépidante. Il offre une occasion unique d'intégrer dans sa vie des engagements significatifs qui dépassent le cadre du travail. Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un changement de rythme indispensable, mais aussi d'un élément d'épanouissement et de satisfaction qui peut rajeunir votre esprit.

    Considérez-le comme un investissement dans votre bien-être, une occasion de refaire le plein d'énergie. En faisant du bénévolat, vous vous autorisez à faire une pause, à sortir de la sphère professionnelle et à vous plonger dans des expériences qui peuvent nourrir votre âme. Cela vous permet non seulement de vous rafraîchir l'esprit, mais aussi d'adopter une nouvelle perspective et de vous sentir plus utile lorsque vous reprenez votre travail.

    N'oubliez pas que trouver le bon équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée ne consiste pas seulement à jongler avec les responsabilités professionnelles et personnelles, mais aussi à poursuivre des activités qui ajoutent de la valeur à votre vie. Et c'est précisément ce que fait le bénévolat. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de rendre à la communauté ce qu'elle vous a donné, mais aussi d'apporter une contribution à la société.

  • 15 Jan 2024 4:29 PM | Anonymous

    Volunteering is often viewed as a selfless act, a contribution to the community or those less fortunate. But, have you ever considered the benefits of volunteering from a personal and career perspective? The truth is, volunteering can be a double-edged benefit. It not only contributes to society but also helps in personal growth and career advancement.

    The Personal Benefits of Volunteering

    Stepping into the world of volunteering can be a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. This is your passport to uncharted territories that can push your boundaries, enabling you to conquer new challenges and absorb rich experiences. This personal evolution is often catalyzed by the diverse range of individuals you meet during your volunteering journey. Their different backgrounds and perspectives can enrich your emotional intelligence, as you navigate through the fascinating complexity of human connections.

    The impact of volunteering isn't limited to emotional and cognitive growth alone. It's a well-being tonic, serving up hearty portions of physical health benefits. Regular volunteers have been found to enjoy reduced stress, an uplifted mood, and an overall boost in mental health. Moreover, volunteering can draw you towards a sense of purpose, contributing to an enriched life filled with gratification and fulfillment. The beauty of volunteering lies in this reciprocity - while you contribute to the community, you are also shaping a healthier, happier, and more enlightened version of yourself.

    Volunteering as a Path to Discovering New Interests and Passions

    Embarking on a volunteering journey can be likened to opening a treasure chest of varied experiences that lie outside the scope of your everyday routine. It offers an incredible opportunity to delve into realms you might never have thought to explore. Suppose you've been mesmerized by the grandeur of art, but never really had a chance to immerse yourself in it. In that case, volunteering at a local art museum or a community art project can help you gain an intimate understanding of the field. Alternatively, if you have a burgeoning interest in environmental conservation, participating in a clean-up drive or an awareness campaign could be a rewarding way to engage with that passion. The beauty of volunteering is that it allows you to dip your toes into different waters, thereby expanding your horizons and introducing you to potential new interests and passions. Remember, every step you take in the volunteering landscape may pave the way towards exciting possibilities and self-discovery.

    Volunteering for Career Advancement: Building a Strong Professional Network

    In the maze of the professional world, connections often open doors to possibilities that pure talent or skills might not be able to. This is where volunteering comes into play, serving as an exceptional conduit for building a robust professional network. As a volunteer, you find yourself in a melting pot of diverse individuals, each carrying a wealth of knowledge, experiences, and professional insights. The beauty of volunteering lies in the organic relationships that bloom in the process. These connections might be with fellow volunteers, organization leaders, or community influencers, all of whom could turn into valuable professional contacts. Volunteering can also lead to serendipitous encounters with potential mentors who can provide guidance, serve as character references, or even present job opportunities. So, when you roll up your sleeves and plunge into volunteering, remember it's not just about serving the community but also nurturing a network that could fuel your professional trajectory.

    Enhancing Professional Skills through Volunteering

    Plunging into the realm of volunteering provides a fantastic opportunity to refine existing skills and cultivate new ones. Picture yourself in a role that empowers you to lead a team of diverse volunteers or manage a project from inception to completion. These experiences can endow you with essential leadership skills and hands-on project management experience that can prove invaluable in your professional journey. Volunteering also becomes a playground where you can learn to tackle real-world problems, prompting you to devise creative and effective solutions. These problem-solving abilities can be an asset in any professional scenario. Additionally, the process of volunteering brings you in close quarters with people from all walks of life. This instills in you strong communication and teamwork abilities as you learn to navigate these diverse relationships effectively. It's these very skills that often become your arsenal in the corporate world, making you a highly desirable candidate. In essence, volunteering is much more than an act of service; it's a stage set for professional skill enhancement and personal growth. So, as you devote your time and efforts to volunteering, you're also subtly crafting a compelling skillset that can propel your career forward.

    The Employer's Perspective: Why They Value Volunteers

    In the bustling marketplace of talent acquisition, volunteer experience often shines like a beacon, drawing employers towards potential candidates. Why? Because employers recognize the myriad qualities that volunteers embody. Often brimming with self-motivation, dedication, and adaptability, volunteers demonstrate a sense of drive that makes them valuable additions to any team.

    The mere act of volunteering highlights an individual's initiative, showing that they are willing to invest their time and effort into pursuits that extend beyond personal gain. This attitude reflects a level of dedication that employers value. Volunteer experience can also signify that a candidate is adaptable and comfortable working in diverse settings, a crucial trait in today's globalized workforce.

    Employers also acknowledge that volunteer experience often translates to well-honed professional skills. Whether it's leadership, project management, or effective communication, these skills, learned on the volunteer field, make a compelling case for the candidate.

    Including volunteer experiences on a resume can give candidates an edge over others. It showcases their values, commitment, and ability to balance multiple roles effectively. So, as you add your volunteer stint to your resume, remember it's not just about the role you served, but the qualities you exhibited and the skills you gained that can truly make you stand out in the eyes of prospective employers.

    Achieving Work-Life Balance through Volunteering

    Engaging in volunteering can serve as a soothing antidote to the pressures of a hectic professional life. It offers a unique opportunity to weave meaningful engagements into your life that transcend beyond the realm of work. This is not just a much-needed change of pace, but it also brings an element of fulfillment and satisfaction that can rejuvenate your spirits.

    Think of it as an investment in your well-being, a chance to refuel your energy tanks. By volunteering, you allow yourself to take a break, step outside the professional sphere, and dive into experiences that can fuel your soul. This not only refreshes your mind but can also imbue you with a fresh perspective and an enhanced sense of purpose when you return to your work.

    Moreover, the act of volunteering can help maintain a healthy equilibrium between your professional obligations and personal passions. It allows you to strike a balance, thereby enhancing your overall productivity and job satisfaction. You find yourself equipped with a diversified experience, an enriched mind, and a gratified heart - all thanks to the potent blend of personal growth and societal contribution that volunteering offers.

    Remember, striking the right work-life balance is not just about juggling professional and personal responsibilities, but also about pursuing endeavors that add value to your life. And volunteering does just that. It’s not just about giving back to the community, but also about gifting yourself the joy of balance, growth, and fulfillment.

  • 15 Jan 2024 4:12 PM | Anonymous

    The Sea2City Design Challenge, an ambitious and groundbreaking initiative led by the City of Vancouver, has made waves in the world of coastal planning and design. Over the course of 12 months, this collaborative effort tackled pressing issues such as rising sea levels, ecological revitalization, urban development, decolonization, and reconciliation with Host Nations, with a specific focus on Vancouver's False Creek shoreline. In 2023, the project received two prestigious awards: the IAP2 Canada Indigenous Engagement Award and the IAP2 International Project of the Year Award. Let's dive deeper into the success story of the Sea2City Design Challenge and what made it so remarkable.

    Inclusivity as the Cornerstone

    At the heart of the Sea2City Design Challenge's success was its inclusive approach. The project brought together a diverse range of stakeholders, including multi-disciplinary design teams, government representatives, coastal adaptation experts, and Indigenous knowledge keepers and designers. Their collective effort was pivotal in addressing the multifaceted challenges and objectives set forth by the project.

    Community Engagement: A Vital Component

    Public engagement played a pivotal role in the project's success. The team behind the Sea2City Design Challenge undertook extensive efforts to raise awareness about sea level rise and adaptation strategies, gather stakeholder feedback, and establish lasting relationships with community partners. What set this project apart was its commitment to co-developing project design and public engagement programming with Host Nation government representatives, ensuring a holistic and inclusive approach.

    A Diverse Array of Engagement Activities

    The engagement activities were both extensive and varied. They included public learning and design sessions, decolonization workshops, interdisciplinary workshops, and reflection sessions with advisory groups and the design teams. The project's innovative nature was further highlighted through collaborations with artists, theatre groups, photographers, youth choirs, Indigenous thought leaders, environmental organizations, and youth. This diversity enriched the public engagement program and ensured that all voices were heard.

    Three Major Achievements

    The Sea2City Design Challenge achieved three significant outcomes. Firstly, it disrupted the language of coastal planning by recognizing the inseparable connection between land and water. Secondly, it created a forward-looking and positive vision for the False Creek shoreline, where Indigenous voices, values, and aspirations stood alongside community needs. Finally, it resulted in implementable site concepts and pilot projects, refined through public input, introducing novel, decolonized ideas unprecedented in Canadian urban contexts.

    Key Learnings

    The engagement strategy of the project also yielded three key learnings. Firstly, the involvement and guidance of Host Nation representatives and cultural advisors were crucial. Secondly, the engagement of youth and the arts community was vital, recognizing the disproportionate impact of climate change on younger generations. Lastly, the project underscored the importance of collaboration and mainstreaming for effective coastal adaptation, calling for interdisciplinary collaboration and integration across various city departments, programs, policies, and plans.

    A New Standard in Coastal Planning

    The Sea2City Design Challenge stands as a testament to the power of innovative and inclusive approaches in coastal planning. By incorporating diverse perspectives, Indigenous knowledge, and community engagement, it has not only reimagined Vancouver's shoreline but also set a new standard for addressing the complex challenges of sea level rise and urban development.

    The project's vision and methodology will undoubtedly influence future urban development and ecological revitalization efforts in the False Creek floodplain and beyond. It's a shining example of what can be achieved when a community comes together to tackle the most pressing issues of our time.

    Learn more about the Sea2City Design Challenge:

  • 15 Jan 2024 1:21 PM | Anonymous

    In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving professional world, having access to a diverse array of learning resources is essential. Webinars, both live and on-demand, stand out as a particularly powerful tool in this regard. This article will delve into the numerous ways webinars, especially those offered on-demand, can significantly enhance your professional skills, expand your career opportunities, and enable valuable networking—all from the comfort of your chosen environment.

    An exciting perk: IAP2 Canada members receive exclusive discounts on live webinars as well as unlimited access to a rich selection of on-demand webinars.

    The Versatility of Webinars:

    Webinars, whether live or on-demand, provide an interactive experience akin to attending a seminar, but with added flexibility. For IAP2 Canada members, this means engaging with content tailored to the field of Public Participation at their own pace. Live webinars offer real-time interaction, while on-demand webinars allow for pausing, rewinding, and revisiting content as needed. Both formats use dynamic tools like slides, visuals, and quizzes, making learning both engaging and effective. Covering a spectrum of topics from new regulations to innovative engagement techniques, webinars keep you abreast of the latest industry trends without the constraints of time or location.

    Resource Optimization:

    In Public Participation, efficiently utilizing resources is key. Webinars, particularly on-demand ones, provide a cost-effective gateway to expert knowledge. Accompanied by supplementary materials for deeper understanding, they are a budget-friendly solution to continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends and policy changes. For IAP2 Canada members, this means having a library of valuable insights and updates at their fingertips, maximizing their learning while minimizing expenses.

    Skill Enhancement:

    Continuous learning is vital in the dynamic field of Public Participation. Webinars offer a diverse array of learning opportunities, from improving public speaking to mastering various participatory methodologies. This rich source of knowledge prepares you to face new challenges, equipping you with an expanded skillset essential for thriving in this field.

    Career Advancement:

    In the competitive world of Public Participation, having an edge is crucial. Webinars can be a significant boost to your career. They provide specialized knowledge that can make you stand out in job interviews and enhance your resume. Employers value candidates who show a commitment to growth and adaptability, and webinars are an excellent way to demonstrate these qualities. For IAP2 Canada members, this could be a key factor in securing their dream job.

    Networking and Collaboration:

    Webinars are more than just educational tools—they are platforms for networking and collaboration. Many offer interactive features like online discussion, allowing for engagement with peers and experts in the field of Public Participation. These discussions provide opportunities for sharing insight, and fostering professional relationships. For IAP2 Canada members, participating in webinars can lead to new connections and exciting collaborations.

    Flexibility and Convenience:

    The modern professional landscape demands flexibility, and webinars cater to this need perfectly. They fit effortlessly into your routine, allowing you to learn at your own pace and in the case of on-demand webinars, on your own schedule. Whether it's during a morning coffee break or a lunch hour, webinars provide a convenient way to integrate learning into your daily life.

    For IAP2 Canada members, this means accessing high-quality learning resources through our on-demand webinars, our Digital Discovery webinar series, or through our regular webinar series without disrupting their personal or professional commitments.

    Webinars are an invaluable resource for anyone in the field of Public Participation, providing education, skill enhancement, networking opportunities, and flexibility. For IAP2 Canada members, access to our on-demand webinars and discounts for live webinars is an exclusive and powerful benefit that can significantly impact their professional journey.

  • 29 Nov 2023 11:42 AM | Anonymous

    Original Announcement Date: November 28, 2023

    Author: Rajvir Rao, President, IAP2 Canada

    Dear IAP2 Canada Community,

    We would like to take this moment to share an important update within our organization. After over two years of leadership and commitment, Valoree McKay will be departing from her role as Executive Director of IAP2 Canada, effective January 31, 2024.

    Valoree's tenure as Executive Director she has provided leadership and operational growth for IAP2 Canada. Her dedication has supported our organization toward success and in advancing our mission. We encourage you to join us in thanking Valoree for her service to IAP2 Canada; we wish her the very best in her future endeavours.

    As we navigate this transition, we are committed to maintaining the momentum and continuing our work toward our goals. We assure you that the process of finding a new Executive Director will be thorough and we will keep you informed about the progress.

    If you have any questions or concerns during this transition period, please feel free to reach out to Rajvir Rao, IAP2 Canada Board President at board@iap2canada.ca. For operational questions, please continue to contact Valoree McKay at valoree@iap2canada.ca.

    We thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to IAP2 Canada. Your engagement and involvement are what drive our organization forward.


    Rajvir Rao

    President, IAP2 Canada

  • 12 Oct 2023 8:42 AM | Anonymous

    As we look ahead to the exciting opportunities that await us in the world of public participation, I would like to provide you with an operational update from IAP2 Canada. We have been actively involved in a variety of activities aimed at improving membership growth and engagement, supporting Indigenous reconciliation, promoting the value of effective P2, professional development and training, equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as an operational overhaul. All of which support IAP2 Canada’s 2021 - 2024 Strategic Plan.

    Here are some highlights of what we’ve been working on:

    Membership Growth and Engagement:

    Our efforts towards membership growth and engagement include creating valuable content, such as articles, social media, and email messaging, to promote the value of membership and better support the member journey. We have also created a new section on our website called “Community” to increase the potential value proposition and make information easily accessible.

    We've taken extra care to ensure that this valuable information is right at your fingertips, making your experience as seamless and enriching as possible.

    Supporting Indigenous Reconciliation:

    Our successful launch and filling of the summer cohort of the Indigenous Awareness Learning Program with 20 participants has set us on course for the next cohort that commences in January 2024. We are currently recruiting participants for the January 2024 cohort.

    We've enlisted the expertise of a dedicated consultant to conduct a thorough review of the IAP2 Canada Indigenous Reconciliation Framework. The invaluable feedback we receive will be openly shared with our Indigenous Reconciliation Working Group, ensuring a collaborative and inclusive path forward. Stay tuned for progress updates!

    The IAP2 Canada Indigenous Engagement Community of Practice has met regularly over the course of the year, bringing together P2 practitioners to learn from expert speakers and each other as IAP2 Canada members discuss how to advance Indigenous inclusion within the broader P2 practice in Canada. If you’re an IAP2 Canada member and would like to join the Community of Practice, please send us an email to get more information.

    Promoting the Value of Effective P2:

    To position ourselves as leaders and increase awareness about P2 with the public and decision-makers, we created a new “What is P2?” section on our website. The section seeks to address issues such as the importance of P2, who is involved in P2, and how one can access P2 training and resources.

    Professional Development and Training:

    Our unwavering commitment to enhancing the skills and knowledge of public participation practitioners has led us to introduce several new training courses and resources catering to both early-career and seasoned professionals. These include our Certificate in P2 and the new Global Learning Pathway electives, including Understanding People and Communities, Understanding Conflict in Public Participation and Engagement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Public Participation and Engagement, and Working with Conflict and High Emotions. Our goal is to equip our community with the tools they need to excel in their roles and drive positive change in their P2 activities. Course descriptions for these training courses, and others, can be found on the website. We have also added two new courses for senior leaders, Public Participation and Engagement for Senior Leaders and Public Participation and Engagement for Allied Professionals.

    Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:

    In our pursuit of excellence, we have invested in an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion audit conducted by an external consultant. We are reviewing the results in late Fall and sharing the findings with our members and the broader public participation community. Our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion also involves increasing board diversity, improving website usability and accessibility, hiring new staff from diverse backgrounds, and incorporating more diversity, equity, and inclusion focus into the trainer recruitment process.

    Upcoming Conference:

    Get ready for an electrifying experience at the 2024 IAP2 North American Conference! We're working on an exhilarating lineup of training, speakers, events, and activities that will redefine your conference experience. Stay tuned for updates as we unveil the secrets to making this year's event truly unforgettable.

    Operational Overhaul:

    We are currently undergoing an operational overhaul aimed at streamlining, updating, and documenting our processes. We have recently made changes to our staffing structure which will allow us to better support training and the membership. We have also hired an external bookkeeping firm that is working with us to create greater accountability and transparency in our accounting practices.

    Our success is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our staff, volunteers, and board members. We appreciate your continued support and engagement as we work towards advancing the practice of public participation in Canada. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of public participation in our country.

    Thank you for being a part of the IAP2 Canada community. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

    Valoree McKay, CAE (she/her/elle)

    Executive Director, IAP2 Canada

  • 11 Oct 2023 2:02 PM | Anonymous

    Mentorship is an invaluable tool that can help propel us to success in all aspects of our lives, especially when it comes to our careers. Mentorship is a timeless and invaluable gift that has been passed down through generations, helping individuals navigate both life and career. In a world filled with opportunities and challenges, mentorship serves as a guide, offering wisdom, support, and invaluable insights to those fortunate enough to have a mentor. Having a mentor in your P2 career can be a game-changer. In this article, we will explore the profound value of mentorship and why it remains a cornerstone of personal and professional growth.

    Read on to learn about the incredible advantages of mentorship and how it can help you reach your goals.

    What is mentorship and why is it essential in P2?

    Mentorship is a powerful tool in any field, but especially in public participation (P2). It involves a seasoned professional providing guidance, support, and wisdom to a less experienced individual, helping them navigate their career path. In the context of P2, mentorship is crucial for several reasons.

    One of the most significant advantages of mentorship is the transfer of knowledge and experience from a mentor to a mentee. Mentors often possess a wealth of expertise and wisdom gained from years of hands-on experience in their respective fields. They can provide insights, share practical tips, and help mentees navigate challenges based on their own past successes and failures.

    This knowledge transfer is invaluable, as it accelerates the learning curve for the mentee, allowing them to avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions. It provides mentees with a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of their chosen path, giving them a competitive edge in their careers or personal pursuits.

    Additionally, mentorship provides a safe space for mentees to ask questions, seek advice, and gain a deeper understanding of the field.

    Mentorship also helps in professional development by fostering personal growth and skill enhancement. Mentors can offer constructive feedback, share best practices, and provide opportunities for mentees to expand their network and learn from real-life scenarios. Moreover, mentorship helps build confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging in the P2 community.

    The benefits of having a mentor in your P2 career

    Having a mentor in your P2 career can bring a multitude of benefits and contribute significantly to your professional growth. One of the most valuable benefits is the opportunity to gain insight and guidance from someone who has already navigated the challenges and successes of the field. A mentor can offer a fresh perspective, share their experiences, and provide advice that can help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.

    Additionally, having a mentor in your P2 career can provide a sense of support and accountability. Mentors can serve as a sounding board for ideas, help you set goals, and keep you motivated to achieve them. They can also offer constructive feedback and help you identify areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing your skills and knowledge in the field.

    A mentor can introduce you to valuable connections and networks within the P2 community. They can provide opportunities for you to network, collaborate, and learn from professionals who may have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share. This can expand your professional network and open doors to new opportunities in your career.

    How mentorship can help with professional development and career growth in P2

    Mentorship plays a pivotal role in professional development and career growth in the field of public participation (P2). By having a mentor, individuals can gain access to invaluable guidance, support, and resources that can propel their careers forward.

    Mentorship allows mentees to tap into the knowledge and experience of their mentors, enabling them to learn from someone who has successfully navigated the challenges and complexities of the field. Mentors can provide insights, share best practices, and offer advice based on their own experiences, ultimately helping mentees make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.

    Additionally, mentorship provides a safe space for mentees to develop and enhance their skills. Mentors can offer constructive feedback, identify areas for improvement, and provide opportunities for skill development and growth. Moreover, mentors often provide emotional support and encouragement, helping mentees build confidence and resilience.

    Mentorship facilitates networking and connections within the P2 community. Mentors can introduce mentees to valuable contacts, collaborations, and professional networks that can open doors to new opportunities. This expanded network can provide mentees with access to a diverse range of perspectives, knowledge, and expertise.

    In a world where success often depends on knowledge, personal growth, and connections, mentorship remains a timeless and invaluable resource. The guidance, wisdom, and support that mentors provide enable mentees to navigate the complexities of life and work with greater confidence and competence.

    Mentorship is an essential ingredient for professional development and career growth in P2. It offers a wealth of benefits, including knowledge transfer, skill enhancement, networking opportunities, and personal growth. It is not just about personal gain; mentorship is a reciprocal relationship that benefits both mentors and mentees, fostering a cycle of growth and success that has the power to transform individuals and society as a whole.

    Excited about the idea of being a part of a transformative mentorship journey, either as a mentor or mentee? We’ll be announcing the next cohort for the IAP2 Canada Mentorship Program very soon. Stay tuned for more details!

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