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Core Values Awards

What are the IAP2 Canada Core Values Awards?

The IAP2 Canada Core Values Awards recognize the outstanding efforts of individuals, organizations, and projects that embody the core values of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) in Canada.

In a world where meaningful dialogue and collaboration are essential, the IAP2 Canada Core Values Awards shine a spotlight on those who go above and beyond to involve communities in decisions that affect their lives. Whether it's fostering transparency, inclusivity, or innovation, these awards honor those who lead the way in shaping a brighter future through meaningful public participation and engagement. From community-driven projects to pioneering engagement methodologies, our awards showcase the best practices and inspire us all to be better stewards of our collective future.

Discover how the IAP2 Canada Core Values Awards are driving positive change and setting a high standard for public participation and engagement nationwide.

Apply for the 2025 Core Values Awards

The deadline to apply for the Core Values Awards is May 9, 2025. We recognize that meaningful engagement happens in many sectors and communities across Canada, and are seeking submissions from diverse individuals and organizations. You don't have to be an IAP2 member to apply, so encourage your colleagues and communities to check out the submission package today!

Access the 2025 Information Package

Why apply for the Core Values Awards?

  Showcase your impact

  Spotlight your creativity

  Stand out against competitors

  Build more influence in the industry

  Attract potential clients and partnerships

  Celebrate your team

Past Canadian recipients

Learn about the recipients from previous years: 20222021202020192018201720162015 and 2014.  

Core Values Awards around the world

Read about recipients from other countries, from past years, in the IAP2 Federation Showcase.

Award Categories

Creativity, Contribution and Innovation in the Field

One award will be given to the project that best demonstrates the following:

  • Exemplary creativity, innovation and leadership in their P2 and engagement activities
  • Meaningful P2 and engagement practices to improve the well-being of participants
  • Meaningful impact of a P2 project on their communities
  • Innovative methods that benefit other practitioners, or creativity that improved the outcome of the policy issue being addressed through P2

Indigenous Engagement Award

One award will be given to the project that best demonstrates the following:
  • Effective processes designed and implemented by Indigenous practitioners using meaningful P2 practices; and/or
  • Culturally safe and inclusive processes with Indigenous Peoples and/or communities using meaningful P2 practices

Respect for Diversity, Inclusion and Culture Award

One award will be given to the project that best demonstrates the following:
  • Effective engagement with historically marginalized or “less heard” populations; and/or
  • A process that is inclusive, multicultural, intersectional, linguistically diverse, and/or bilingual to support the inclusion of engagement participants with diverse identities; and/or
  • Size, scope and scale of project that reflects the breadth of geography of Canada (including remote, rural or vastness of geography)

Visual Engagement Award

This award will be given to the project that best visually demonstrates an effective use of design in ALL of the following:
  • Notification of engagement
  • Materials to support informed participation
  • Reports on engagement contributions and impact
  • Describe how the IAP2 Core Values are reflected in these materials

Organization of the Year Award

The Organization of the Year Award recognizes the application of the Core Values throughout the organization and how engagement is embedded into decision-making practices.

For many organizations, this is a long-term process and all organizations in various stages of the process are encouraged to apply for this Award.

Research Award

The Research Award acknowledges important contributions to the body of public engagement knowledge.

Innovation doesn’t happen by accident. The combination of interesting problems, good questions and a spirit of inquiry are the foundations that help us build new theories and give shape to new ideas; they are the elements that help advance our knowledge and understanding.

Note: One project winner from these three categories - Creativity, Contribution and Innovation, Indigenous Engagement, and Respect for Diversity - may be named IAP2 Canada Project of the Year. This additional award recognizes and honours projects which exemplify the spirit and purpose of public participation and engagement and recognizes excellence in the tools, techniques and efforts in public participation and engagement.

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