ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR![]() Left to right: Mark Weir, Debbi Miller, Catherine Rockandel The City of Kingston, Ontario – “Engaging on Engagement to Develop and Implement a Culture of P2” The City’s 2015-2018 Strategic Plan identified transparency and citizen engagement as priorities in its Open Government initiative. Over an 18-month period, the City consulted with residents, Council members and City staff to develop the Public Engagement Framework and Charter. These have transformed public engagement and ensure a consistent corporate approach. The organizational structure was re-worked to include more public participation staff, and 78 city staff have received IAP2 Foundations training. What the judges said:
Extending the Practice through Creativity, Contribution &
Our judges! |
Dave Meslin - Dave is the Creative Director of Unlock Democracy Canada the founder of the Ranked Ballot Initiative of Toronto and co-founder of Spacing Magazine. His new book, “Teardown: Rebuilding Democracy from the Ground Up” will be published by Penguin in 2018. In his spare time, Dave enjoys playing with Legos. | Susanna Haas Lyons is a civic engagement specialist. She designs participation strategies, facilitates complex meetings, and provides training for better conversations between decision-makers and those most impacted by an issue. Read more. |
Anita Wasiuta - Anita's expertise in marketing programs, project and event management, volunteer engagement, facilitation, and public engagement all begin with developing relationships with people. | Anne Harding - Anne is a former president of IAP2 Canada, recipient of the 2015 Core Values Award for P2 for the Greater Good and a Certified Public Participation Professional (CP3). Her specialties include the energy industry and Indigenous engagement. |
Belinda Boyd - Belinda is Leader, Community Engagement, at Vancouver (BC) Coastal Health, specializing in Patient Public Engagement (PPE), ensuring a voice for people most affected by changes or decisions. VCH has received numerous Core Values Awards on Belinda's watch: Organization of the Year (2006), Creativity and Innovation, and Project of the Year (2014), and P2 for the Greater Good (2016). |
Core Values Awards Around the World
Check out the IAP2 Federation's latest Core Values Awards Showcase, which contains eligible submissions to the Core Values Awards from other IAP2 Affiliates in 2016. The Report is there to help share information and ideas and encourage more CVA submissions. |