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Indigenous Awareness Learning Program

About The Program

The Indigenous Awareness Learning Program through IAP2 Canada was co-created with an Indigenous Elder to help advance reconciliation and support Indigenous inclusion in public participation (P2) and engagement activities across Canada.

The January 2025 intake for the IAP2 Canada Indigenous Awareness Learning Program is now closed for applicants.

What does “reconciliation” mean in relation to Indigenous Peoples in Canada?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) defines reconciliation as an ongoing process of establishing and maintaining respectful relationships with Indigenous people.

Learning Objectives

Through this learning experience, participants will:

  • Reflect on personal and professional experiences that have led to their current understanding of Indigenous interests and attitudes toward Indigenous Peoples;
  • Gain additional understanding related to a particular area of interest regarding Indigenous Peoples in Canada through independent study and small group dialogue with a learning guide;
  • Experience conversation and initial relationship-building with an Indigenous community member who has lived experience related to the learner’s area of interest; and
  • Increase knowledge, practice, and comfort in discussing Indigenous interests with colleagues.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of reconciliation for all Canadians

Program Duration

Estimated time commitment (depending on selected learning resources) is 3 to 6 hours per month over 6 months.

Program Delivery

The program is a semi-structured, cohort-based learning program to help build awareness and understanding about the history and experiences of Indigenous Peoples in our country so they can better support Indigenous inclusion in their P2 and engagement practice.

Participants are matched with a learning partner who has experience working with Indigenous communities and placed into a cohort of no more than four people. Over the six-month duration of the program, you’ll engage in interactive and applied learning as you work through four assignments, based on the traditional Medicine Wheel. There are five 90 minute large group meetings, starting with the kickoff meeting.

There are three types of work during the course:

  • Independent study, which happens on your own schedule;
  • Small group cohort meetings with your learning team of up to four people (your team will book these based on your schedules, typically for 60-90 minutes at a time);
  • Large group meetings to debrief and share your learning with the other program participants

Watch the program overview

Image credit: We acknowledge that the visual depiction of this model is based on the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, interpreted by the late Lloyd Ewenin, the Elder who guided the development of the program, and who followed Sioux teachings. We also acknowledge there are many different interpretations of the Medicine Wheel teachings, including different colours and associations.

Participant Testimonials

"Excellent framework for personal discovery and exploration. Safe environment to share. Final project with large group sharing was powerful."

"Loved this program and have shared with my colleagues."

"Thank you for providing the space and structure to focus on expanding my awareness and thinking about Indigenous issues and engagement in Canada."

"The small learning cohort was wonderful - the assignments called for us to be reflective which I appreciated - a very supportive learning experience - grateful for the opportunity to be part of the program."

"It was fabulous! Well-paced, supportive."

Indigenous Awareness Program Resources

In support of the learning program, Indigenous Engagement Community of Practice members developed the following list of suggested learning resources. These resources are for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by IAP2 Canada. If you have additional learning resources that you would like to suggest to help fellow P2 professionals build awareness and understanding about the history, experiences, and interests of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, please let us know.

Indigenous dancers - decorative image

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