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IAP2 Hosted - Designing P2 and Engagement

  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 01 Feb 2024
  • 4 sessions
  • 29 Jan 2024, 12:30 PM 3:30 PM (EST)
  • 30 Jan 2024, 12:30 PM 3:30 PM (EST)
  • 31 Jan 2024, 12:30 PM 3:30 PM (EST)
  • 01 Feb 2024, 12:30 PM 3:30 PM (EST)
  • 0


Either "Fundamentals of Public Participation and Engagement (Level 1 practitioners)" or "IAP2 Way in Challenging Contexts (Level 2 practitioners)" is a prerequisite for this course. 

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Designing & Leading Engagement is a Level 2 course that introduces practitioners to the design and plan phases of the practice framework, providing them with the opportunity to develop public participation and engagement practice plans. This includes scoping, community mapping, determining purpose and objectives and levels of influence, choosing appropriate methods and managing resources, while considering the needs of diverse audiences.

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Course Objectives: 

By the end of this course, participants will be able to design an engagement process and plan for a real-world scenario, including:

  • Plan a clear scope of the work, problem or opportunity with identified negotiables and non-negotiables
  • Conduct detailed stakeholder analysis, community mapping and equity analysis
  • Identify appropriate roles and levels of influence for key players
  • Establish clear engagement purpose and objectives and success criteria/measures to suit the scenario
  • Identify relevant profiles of engagement
  • Conduct a detailed risk/opportunities analysis
  • Choose and sequence appropriate methods (in-person and digital) and identify communication tactics to suit the scenario
  • Identify key roles for senior leaders and decision makers
  • Explore principles and approaches for equity, diversity and inclusion and apply them to stakeholder analysis
  • Embed digital strategies, platforms, and methods as part of the plan and process
  • Develop an evaluation framework to suit the scenario
  • Identify key roles and resources needed to implement the P2/engagement plan
  • Develop and apply a suitable pitch to senior leaders that will secure commitment and resources for the P2/engagement plan
  • Identify the many different contexts of engagement including the elements present in more complex engagement scenarios

Target Audience: 

  • Practitioners who are leading the planning and implementation of public participation and engagement practice processes
  • Participants who will be involved in the design and planning of public participation and engagement practice processes

Course Delivery:

Online and hosted by IAP2 Canada.


Fundamentals of P2 and Engagement is a prerequisite for this course. 

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Our Licensed Trainers:

Tracey Ehl brings groups together to explore ideas, opportunities and issues.  She approaches public participation as a learning process, for everyone.  This is based on a belief that individual and collective learning hold great potential for positive, transformative change. 

Tracey has over two decades of professional experience in facilitation, public and stakeholder engagement, environmental communications and environmental and strategic planning.  Tracey’s energetic and attentive style has assisted communities locally and internationally to develop supported, realistic solutions and achieve shared goals. Her project involvement has focused on complex projects in the areas of energy, sustainability, public water system management, municipal planning, transportation and public transit, waste management, wastewater infrastructure, and community development.  Within these projects, Tracey has designed, led and documented hundreds of events and processes to meet the unique needs of each client and the affected stakeholder groups, while managing controversy, outrage and budget limitations, multiple agendas and influences beyond the project.

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