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Why Join IAP2 Canada?

IAP2 Canada members are a diverse community of professionals, citizens, academics, and decision-makers across Canada and around the world committed to involving the public in decisions that affect them. Become part of a community making an impact through meaningful public participation (P2), delivering results that matter, and implementing transformational change that lasts.

Membership Has Its benefits!

Through your membership, you’ll unlock access to:

P2 Learning Pathway

Our Learning Pathway is your gateway to acquiring the knowledge and skills you need to excel in P2. At the core of IAP2 Canada's Learning Pathway is the Certificate in Public Participation.


The Certified Public Participation Professional (CP3) Program is a professional designation available to IAP2 Canada members.

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Member Savings

Receive member discounts for our Certificate in P2 core training courses, as well as a range of elective courses and our Annual North American Conference.

Community of P2 Champions

Participate in our Communities of Practice, connect with your local chapter, participate in our Mentorship Program and gain exclusive access to our member directory.

Indigenous Awareness & Engagement Program

Build awareness and understanding about the history and experiences of Indigenous Peoples in our country to improve Indigenous inclusion in your P2 and engagement practice.

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On-Demand Webinars

Access hundreds of webinar recordings - watch them at your own pace and get inspired to keep learning.

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Research & Publications

Gain a better understanding of current public participation activities in Canada and stay up to date on trends, best practices and areas of innovation.

Career Centre

Attract qualified team members through postings on our job board - free for members.

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Who Should Join IAP2 Canada?

IAP2 Canada members are a diverse community of professionals, citizens, academics, and decision-makers who are committed to involving the public in decisions that affect them.

Our membership of over 1000 individuals from across Canada includes the following sectors:

  • Local, provincial, and federal government
  • Education & health care
  • Energy sector (including power, oil & gas, renewable energy, mining & forestry)
  • Non-profit & academia
  • Infrastructure & property development

What Our Members Have to Say!

Don't just take our word for it! Hear what our members have to say:

Become a Member of Our Community

Do you have a professional or personal interest in engaging people in a meaningful way to build trusting relationships and make better decisions? If so, the IAP2 Canada community is right for you! Our members are consultants, public servants, educators, engagement specialists, communicators, Indigenous leaders, planners, politicians, health care administrators, researchers, non-profit leaders, and citizens who care about their communities. 

Join Us Today!

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